The transfer bridge on the plans are twice as long as I’ve normally seen them. Fast Tracks sells the laser cut parts to make one like the Bronx Terminal had. There are a few differences that I would have done if I were designing the cut file but they’ve made it easy to get started. One could just glue together the pieces and have a simple one done or you can choose the “non quick way” like I normally do and detail it into a fine model worthy of being an award winning model and making it look very close to prototype photos. So far I’ve only just begun and put way more hours into it than I expected I would but I’m excited at how it is going to turn out.
If you notice, the word bridge is in the name so it makes sense that it literally is build similar to a bridge. The purpose of a transfer bridge is to connect land with a car float. One end is connected to land and the other end is raised up and down depending on the level of the water so it connects with the car float. Because it is so long I will have to power the tracks for the locomotive and with using an idler flat car it will reach onto the unpowered car float. If I ever want the loco on the car float I will have to “5-0” it.
Many car floats have three tracks. The center track is accessed like a turnout that is on the car float but the points are on the transfer bridge. With the limited space to get a person’s hand in using a manual ground throw, and not wanting to make it permanent using an under the track Tortoise, I decided to use a double track gauntlet instead. This will make the track on the transfer bridge double tracked and the points are on the main base (land) just before the transfer bridge.

I have ordered NBW (nut-bolt-washer) castings and more rods. Almost 200″ of rods and close to 400 NBW. That is a lot of holes to drill! Luckily I recently got a drill press for my Dremel motor tool. I tried one by hand and it took forever and hurt my hand. The Dremel is very quick! There will probably be more detail than anyone will notice but I enjoy making a great model, not just an average one.