Layout Tour

This is my second layout video using the iCar. Gary Petersen’s Salt Lake Southern layout is awesome! This time I ran the iCar at the end of the train looking backwards as though standing on the back platform of the caboose. You can watch it in FULL HD but takes […]

iCar Caboose Ride

I can’t believe where the time has gone! Anyway, I have been making some progress my 4×8 railroad. I just haven’t had time to post anything. Sometimes it is slow going but at least there is some progress. For example the frogs are wired for power now and locomotives do not […]

Quick Video Clip

Take a ride on the rails as though you were in the driver’s seat. Follow along on the inaugural run of my new iCar as we go along the route of Rob Spangler’s Western Pacific 8th Subdivision. It was run as an extra following right behind another train. This was […]

iCar Cab Ride