
I’ve added some placeholder pages for what I’ve been working on over the last 5 years! I have lots and lots of photos and text to describe them. I would like to have a better system to keep the site up-to-date. We will see how it goes but for now […]

Jim’s Trains Menu Updated

I was recently reminded that my website hasn’t been updated in forever so here is a quick update with more to follow, hopefully. I have been so so so so busy! The saying goes “Time flies when you are having fun” so I say I must being having so much […]

A Quick Update

Newsletter Column Index September 2017 37th National Narrow Gauge Convention in Denver 2017 – Recap Let me first explain I have been to one NMRA National Convention and two National Narrow Gauge Conventions in the past – over 11 years ago since the last one. I am still amazed that […]

Newsletter 9/17

Newsletter Column Index August 2017 What draws you to model railroading? What makes you want to be a part of the NMRA? I have always liked building things. I remember as a kid building things with cardboard from cereal boxes while watching Saturday morning cartoons. As I have gotten older […]

Newsletter 8/17

Newsletter Column Index July 2017 When you go on vacation do you seek out opportunities to find trains? I don’t usually “seek them out” but when an opportunity presents itself I am happy! Recently I was at Disneyland with my family. On one day, most had gone back to the […]

Newsletter 7/17

Newsletter Column Index November 2016 We had a good turnout of entries for the Popular Vote Model Contest at the 2016 Intermountain Train Expo! We had about 100 ballots cast for favorite models in four categories plus a “Best of Show” where people voted for their overall favorite from all of […]

Newsletter 11/16

  Newsletter Column Index March 2015   What have you done lately in your model railroad world? If you have been following my column you might have noticed that I jump around a bit on the actual topic but always bring it back around to the Achievement Program. That is a bit […]

Newsletter 3/15

This is my second layout video using the iCar. Gary Petersen’s Salt Lake Southern layout is awesome! This time I ran the iCar at the end of the train looking backwards as though standing on the back platform of the caboose. You can watch it in FULL HD but takes […]

iCar Caboose Ride

I’ve always loved photography and it is a great way to be able to combine two hobbies: model railroading and photography! My daughter is taking a photography class in jr. high and when she said, “Can I take a picture of your trains?” I jumped off the couch ready to […]

Photography and Trains

Take a ride on the rails as though you were in the driver’s seat. Follow along on the inaugural run of my new iCar as we go along the route of Rob Spangler’s Western Pacific 8th Subdivision. It was run as an extra following right behind another train. This was […]

iCar Cab Ride

I’ve added a new, long overdue, Tips and Techniques section to the website. The first sub-page within the section is Adding Styrene Spacers which explains how I add styrene to the gaps I cut in the rails. Look for more sub-pages in the near future. I look forward to comments too.

New Tips and Techniques Section