Golden Spike Award

Golden Spike Award

The Golden Spike Award is an entry to get one started in the AP Program. Most of the items on the list to do are things one may be doing already. I have had 90% done for several years. The paper work for some reason is the hardest part. By doing the paper work and “checking off” items from the list, it helps to focus your energy to “that one thing” that is left on the list to just get it done! That AND having motivation from some friends.

I recently joined a 100% NMRA club. I can’t always get to the meetings because of work and my kid’s soccer games and dance performances, but I go when I can. There have been a few times where I was just tired (no scheduled conflict) but went anyway. I am always glad I did! They have great clinics and a chance to be around other modelers, no matter what scale they are working in, is always uplifting and inspirational.

Here is my certificate. It comes without a frame 🙂

Golden Spike Award

Golden Spike Award

The following images show my efforts that resulted in receiving the certificate.

Although a simple certificate on a piece of paper, it represents the fact that I put forth a little bit of effort beyond what I have already done in this hobby. It has also started me on a path towards expanding myself and those efforts as well as helping me organize myself with certain goals as I go forward.

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