Special Trackwork
Here are some special trackwork pieces. Email for pricing and options.
 HO/HOn3 Transition Narrow Gauge from Left to Right |
 HO/HOn3 Transition Narrow Gauge from Right to Left |
 HO/HOn3 Transition Narrow Gauge from Right to Center |
 HO/HOn3 Mixed Gauge 30º Crossing |

HO #4 Slip Switch
 HO/HOn3 Dual Gauge 30º Crossing |
 HOn3 #6 Stub Switch Turnout |
 HO/HOn3 Full Dual Gauge #6 Wye |
 HO/HOn3 RH NR Curved Dual Gauge |
 HO/HOn3 LH NL Curved Dual Gauge |
 HO/HOn3 LH NR Dual Straight Narrow Left Curved |

HO/HOn3 Mixed Gauge 3 Way Turnout with HOn3 Turnout
This turnout is a modified 3-way where I made the left straight (instead of curving left) with a dual gauge rail inserted in it. The other two routes curve off to the right. In front of this is a narrow gauge turnout. This picture is before the throw bars are in. A video is uploaded on the Gallery page and another picture will be added after it’s ballasted.

HOn3 3-Way Stub Switch Turnout

HO/HOn3 Mixed Gauge Curved 30/26″ Radius

HO/HOn3 Full Dual Gauge Curved 26/22″ Radius

HO/HOn3 Full Dual Gauge Curved 30/26″ Radius