September 2014
There are many things that take up our time and some are more important than others. Sometimes that importance changes over time too. We like spending time doing those things we like but sometimes it’s important to spend time doing something we don’t like to help benefit that which we do like. A very simple example is we may not like cleaning wheels on our locos but we do like running them! 🙂
When it comes to the paperwork for getting your AP, that’s probably an area you may not like as much as completing the model that you need it for. That’s where I come in. I, and several others, have judged some models and can give you some needed feedback when it comes to preparing the paperwork needed for judging.
Wasatch Rails is coming up and you can have models entered in the contest and/or have them judged. It’s a great opportunity to get feedback on your modeling. You can also bring them to a Division Meeting. The important thing is to just get building! When we share with each other what we are doing it helps us to enjoy the journey together!