UPDATE – December 2019
In addition to the National N Scale Convention, the NMRA National Convention that our division, the Northern Utah Division of the NMRA, hosted in 2019 has also come and gone. Many years of planning we did have fun and many, many people expressed the same enthusiastic response of enjoyment! I was able to finish a room in the basement and had a busload of 50 people from all over the world come and visit my little railroad! One of my goals was to show you can have lots of fun in a small area AND earn MMR without having an entire basement full of trains!
The whole time I have been working on custom orders and now that those two big conventions are over I’ve gotten back to working on orders as much as I can. I would like to get back to actually working on my railroad, however. It seems I always have a couple of large orders I’m working on. Every now and then I’ll get one of my own turnouts done too.
Let me know if you need something special or just place an order and I’ll work it into my schedule.

Curved On30 #8 vs Nn3 #4