Association Official was another one of those certificates I figured I would not be getting when I first learned about the Achievement Program. Remember I was a “lone wolf modeler” when I first started out? After about ten years or so of being involved in my local NMRA Division (Board Member, Division AP Chairman and a few other things) I was asked to be the Division Superintendent when the current one resigned due to health reasons. At the time I was the Assistant so it made sense. I had been previously asked but I felt it wasn’t the right time with other things going on in my life. When he stepped down though, the timing was better.
Three years serving as Division Superintendent is the only division position that qualifies. Later I realized that as a Division Superintendent you are on the Region Board so that’s the reasoning behind that. At first most of the region board meetings were in Colorado so I couldn’t attend. When they were in Utah I did attend. After 2020 the region board meetings have been held via Zoom so I have been on all of those.
I have not done another NMRA Magazine article but the editor has been doing a new series on her journey toward MMR and since she is not getting the Association Official certificate asked others for their input. Here is her intro and the page that had my input. There were several other pages in the magazine not part of this PDF for my approval.
Click on the little arrow at the bottom of the PDF to go to page 2 to see my comments.
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